Dale Frank
Dale Frank is a contemporary Australian artist best known for his colorful paintings, which adhere closely to his unique mode of biomorphic abstraction.
Leah Schrager
Leah Schrager’s work explores the individual and societal gaze on women throughout stages of life, using her own biography as source material.
Andrew Hopkins
Andrew Hopkins compositions often start with bursts of color and paint, building into slow and considered finished works which often relate to place.
Jasmine Mansbridge
Jasmine Mansbridge brings a refined and meticulous hand to the work; her deliberation and contemplation are evident at all times.
Laura Weyl
Laura Weyl‘s work explores sexuality, the urban landscape, and analog image manipulations to create visceral, poetic visual worlds.
Melissa Coote
Melissa Coote began 120 Suns with the wet plate collodion technique (tintype) in 2019, and completed the body of work with an older Daguerrotype technique.
Dana James
Dana James is a painter and New York native, her work has been exhibited extensively and can be found in private and public collections around the world.